Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Ayudante Especial


Corderitos Reunión #11-  Ayudante especial

PowerPoint para hacer la especialidad.

Special Helper


Little Lambs Meeting #11- Helping Hands

PowerPoint to complete the requirements.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

My Family


Little Lambs- Meeting #10- My family - Family Fun

PowerPoint for the Meeting 10 requirements.

Mi familia


Corderitos- Reunion #10- Mi familia- Diversion familiar

PowerPoint para los requisitos de la reunion #10.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Healthy Food


Little Lambs- Meeting #8 - Healthy Food

PowerPoint foe the star requirements.

Alimentos Sanos


Corderitos- Reunion #8 - Alimentos sanos

PowerPoint para la especialidad.

Thursday, December 3, 2020



Corderitos- Reunion #7- Compartir

PowerPoint para la especialidad de compartir.



Little Lambs- Meeting #7 - Sharing  (Myself)

PowerPoint presentation to teach the Sharing star .

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

El niño Jesus


Corderitos- Reunion #5 - El niño Jesus

PowerPoint para dar la especialidad El niño Jesus  .

Little boy Jesus


Little Lambs- Meeting 5- Little boy Jesus

PowerPoint to teach the Little boy Jesus star.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

My Self


Little Lambs- Meeting #4 - Hooray for me!

PowerPoint for the requirements for the little lambs meeting #4. It includes, activities, crafts and music videos.

Yo mismo


Corderitos- Reunion #4 -Hurra para mi!
PowerPoint para los requisitos de  la reunion #4 de la clase de corderitos. Incluye ideas, manualidades, y videos de coritos.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mi mundo


Corderitos Mi Mundo- El mundo de Dios es genial
Reunion #3

PowerPoint para la tercera reunion de corderitos.

My World


Little Lambs - My World- God's World Rocks
Meeting #3

PowerPoint presentation to teach the My World requirement for the Little Lambs Club.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Mi Dios


Corderitos- Mi Dios- Perdido y encontrado
Reunion #2 en PowerPoint

My God


Little Lambs- My God - Lost and Found

PowerPoint  for  meeting #2



Corderitos - Reunion 1

Hola Familias de Aventureros!

Ya pueden descargar el PowerPoint para dar la especialidad Corderitos para la reunion #1.


Saturday, November 21, 2020

Wooly Lamb


Little Lambs Wooly Lamb Star PowerPoint

Hello Adventurer Families! Here is the Wooly Lambs PowerPoint  to help you give the wooly Lamb star with some game options, craft ideas  and even a video of a book about lambs!


Friday, November 20, 2020



Castores clase #1- PowerPoint

Hola Familias de Aventureros!
Aquí esta la especialidad de castores en PowerPoint, en este PowerPoint puede encontrar todos los requisitos con imagines, manualidades y un video para dar la clase virtual.

Visite nuestro canal de YouTube para ver el video de ideas y como dar la especialidad de castores.

Beavers chip


Beavers Chip PowerPoint

Hello Adventurer Families...
The PowerPoint to teach the Beaver chip is here!

I have included a slide for each question with the question and answer and a picture to go along with it.
There is also a YouTube video at the end and some extra ideas!

I also have a YouTube video on how you can give the class.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Manos Ayudadoras libro en powerpoint


Manos Ayudadoras Libro en PowerPoint
Hola Familias de Aventureros !
Aquí esta el libro virtual para ensenar la clase de manos ayudadoras. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Sunbeam activity book in powerpoint


Sunbeam Activity book PowerPoint
Hello Adventurer Families!
I wanted to apologize because for some reason the Sunbeam Activity Book was  not opening without permission. Here is the link again and hopefully it will work. Thank you!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Helping Hands activity book I. powerpoint


Helping Hands book in PowerPoint

Hello Adventurer Families!

Here is the Helping Hands virtual activity book to help you teach your class via zoom or any other virtual way your club is meeting. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020



Dinosaurios Especialidad PowerPoint
Hola Familias de Aventureros!

PowerPoint para la especialidad de DINOSAURIOS. Con ideas para hacer 2 manualidades y un juego interactivo virtual.

Descarga el link!


Monday, November 2, 2020

Builder- Activity book in powerpoint for virtual teaching

Builder Activity book in PowerPoint

Hello Adventurer Families!

The Builder student workbook is now available in a PowerPoint  for you to use in your online club meeting or even in person!

Get the link below!


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Constructores - Cuaderno en powerpoint

Constructores - Cuaderno virtual

Constructores Cuaderno en PowerPoint

Familias de Aventureros!!

     Ya esta listo el cuaderno virtual para dar la clase de constructores a través de ZOOM!

Este cuaderno virtual también se puede usar cuando de su clase en persona, ya que esta lleno de lindas imágenes para atraer la atención de su clase.


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Little Lambs- WEATHER star

Little Lambs Weather Star 

The little Lambs weather Star requirements is ready for you to down load as a PowerPoint to teach in your ZOOM meeting.

This Power Point includes all the requirements plus some space for you to add some fun science weather experiments.

I did snowstorm in a jar and rain in a bottle. You can look up how to do the experiments on YouTube.

I also included a small story and two game ideas.



Photo Fun Award

Photo Fun Award PowerPoint
Hello Adventurer Families!
I have the Photo Fun  multi-level award done in a PowerPoint presentation so that you can use it to teach it via ZOOM. 
Just click on the link below.
I have included the history of photography although it's not part of the requirement I think it's helpful to know.


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Sunbeam activity book in powerpoint

Hello adventurer families!
The PowerPoint for the SUNBEAM class is here!
Click on the link below and you will be able to download the virtual activity book I made on PowerPoint  to help you give your virtual class through ZOOM.
I hope this is of great help!
Mrs. JarAwards


See the source image

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Rayitos de Sol - libro en powerpoint

Rayitos de Sol Libro en PowerPoint
Hola Familias de Aventureros!
Si usted estará dando la clase de Rayitos de Sol VIRTUAL, aquí encontrara el link para el PowerPoint que he creado para ayudarle a dar su clase via zoom!

See the source image

Monday, September 7, 2020

Abejitas Industriosas- Libro de Actividad en powerpoint

Abejitas Industriosas Libro en PowerPoint

Hola Familias de Aventureros!

Como muchos clubes comenzarán sus clases en línea, he estado trabajando en hacer los libros de actividades del club de aventurero para ayudarle a dar a su clase a través de zoom!

Estos libros son una ayuda visual para dar su clase y así los niños pueden seguir en casa con sus propios cuadernos.

Espero que sean de gran ayuda para usted y su club


Busy Bee - powerpoint book

 See the source image

Busy Bees Activity book in PowerPoint

Hello Adventurer Families!

As many clubs will be starting a virtual club this fall, I wanted to take share the Busy Bee Activity book that I made to help you teach your virtual class.

This activity book is a PowerPoint for you to use as a visual of the activity book.

I hope it is of great blessing to you and your club!

Mrs. Jar


Thursday, September 3, 2020

 Hello Adventurer families!

I want to apologize for being absent for so long, I have been working with the Adventurer Club ministry and have had my hands full. With this new situation we are living in regarding many clubs having to do virtual club meetings, I feel that now more than ever I need to be more active and make time for this blog. I have made some new videos on YouTube that I would love for you to watch and hopefully they can be of great  help. I have also created a Facebook page under "Mrs.JarAwards" please check it out as well since I tend to be more active there.

Thank you so much for stopping by !