Monday, November 11, 2013

Little Lamb
Here is another great find. This "The Lord is My Shepherd" book  is beautifully illustrated for the little lamb class.

Amigo de los Animales: Clase de Abejitas
Este video incluye los pasos  y ideas para hacer el honor de Amigo de Animales para la clase de Abejitas. Este honor es un poco largo asi que se puede hacer en dos reunions. Esperamos que les ayude.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friend of Animals Award for the Busy Bee Class
Here's a video on the steps to complete  the Friend of Animals Award for the Busy Bee class. This award is a little long so it can be divided into two classes. I hope that it's useful and that the children enjoy learning about animals. Have a Blessed day !

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Sunbeam Class

Found this really cute book "Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam" by Hans Wilhelm. It is so beautiful and perfect for the Adventurer Sunbeam class. The children love singing this song at the beginning of each class and now they will enjoy looking at the beautiful pictures.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

 Glue Right Award for the Sunbeam Adventurer Class.
This is a video I made using the steps for the Glue Right award. This is a very fun award that the kids enjoy doing. Most of the ideas and crafts I found on the internet. I also added or changed some of the requirements just because I always try to find things that the children will find more interesting. Go ahead and give this award a try and let us know who it went :)  Have a Blessed Day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Adventurer Club

Welcome, this blog is to share ideas, crafts and stay up to date with the SDA Adventurer Club.